Thursday, January 14, 2016

BLA's Makerspace: A place to think, create and grow.

Have you noticed something different about our library?

The BLA Librarians are proud to announce that our library now has its very own makerspace area.  It is our sincere hope that our makerspace area will provide you with the tools to explore, collaborate and create.  Please feel free to use the materials provided in this area anytime.  

Why are makerspaces important?

Makerspaces are an exciting new service offered by libraries at all levels to promote an engaging atmosphere for learning and experimentation (Moorefield-Long 2015).  When makerspaces are incorporated into libraries, patrons are offered new opportunities to collaborate, learn through play, problem solve, build, investigate, and produce (Britton, 2012). 

BLA's Makerspace Area:

Makerspace Challenge:  Students created a self-writing machine.

Makerspace Challenge:  Students created a self-writing machine.

Plastic bins to store supplies.

Books to inspire creativity.

Makerspace tables with cutting boards.

Students creating with Legos.

Britton, L. (2012). The makings of maker spaces, part 1: Space for creation, not just
     consumption. The digital shift.

Moorefield-Lang, H. (2015). Change in the Making: Makerspaces and the Ever-Changing Landscape 
     of Libraries. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning59(3), 107-112.